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To Every Young Woman: You Are More Powerful Than You Think

You are already enough
You are already enough

There will be moments when you doubt yourself. When you wonder if you're good enough. When the world makes you feel like you need to be more—more confident, more successful, more perfect.

Let me remind you: You are already enough.

Your Voice Matters

For too long, women have been told to soften their words, lower their voices, and not take up too much space.

But your voice is powerful.

Speak your truth, even if your voice shakes.Say no when something doesn’t align with your values. Ask for what you need—without apology.

The world does not change because of silence. It changes because of women who dare to speak up.

Confidence is Built, Not Given

If you’re waiting to feel ready before you take action, you might wait forever.

Confidence isn’t something you wake up with one day—it’s something you build by showing up, trying, failing, and trying again.

Start before you feel ready.Take the opportunities that scare you.Stop seeking permission to step into your own power.

The women you admire weren’t born fearless—they just didn’t let fear stop them.

Redefine Success on Your Own Terms

You will be told what you “should” be.

Be ambitious, but not too ambitious. Be confident, but not too outspoken. Be strong, but not too intimidating.

Forget all of that.

Success isn’t about fitting into a mold that wasn’t built for you. It’s about creating a life that feels right for you—whether that’s leading a company, pursuing your passion, traveling the world, or building a quiet, fulfilling life of your own design.

Your path is yours alone. Own it.

Love Should Lift You, Not Shrink You

Relationships—romantic, friendships, family—should bring out the best in you, not make you feel smaller.

If you feel like you have to dim your light to be loved, that’s not love—it’s control.

Real love encourages you to grow. It celebrates your achievements, not resents them. It supports your dreams, not dismisses them.

You are not “too much” for the right people. The ones who truly care will never ask you to be less.

You Are Not Alone

Every woman who has ever achieved something remarkable has also had moments of self-doubt.

But they didn’t let it define them.And neither should you.

Your struggles do not make you weak—they make you human. Your resilience is not just about surviving—it’s about thriving.

So on the days you feel lost, remember this: You are capable, you are worthy, and you are enough—exactly as you are.


Christina Sergianni, PhD


WeWork Building

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Telephone: 0049(0)15236632744


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